# Query soft limit for Debugbar is reached after 100 queries, additional 5 queries onlyshow the query. Limit can be raised in the config. Limits can be raised in the config (debugbar.options.db.soft_limit)
select*from `business_settings` where (`type` ='maintenance_mode') limit 1
select*from `translations` where `translations`.`translationable_id` in (39, 40, 41, 42, 43) and `translations`.`translationable_type` ='App\Models\Category'and `locale` ='qa'
select `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `reviews` where `products`.`id` = `reviews`.`product_id` and `status` =1) as `reviews_count` from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `category_ids` like'%\"39\"%'orderby RAND() limit 12
select `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `reviews` where `products`.`id` = `reviews`.`product_id` and `status` =1) as `reviews_count` from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `category_ids` like'%\"41\"%'orderby RAND() limit 12
select `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `reviews` where `products`.`id` = `reviews`.`product_id` and `status` =1) as `reviews_count` from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `category_ids` like'%\"43\"%'orderby RAND() limit 12
select `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `reviews` where `products`.`id` = `reviews`.`product_id` and `status` =1) as `reviews_count` from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `category_ids` like'%\"40\"%'orderby RAND() limit 12
select `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `reviews` where `products`.`id` = `reviews`.`product_id` and `status` =1) as `reviews_count` from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `category_ids` like'%\"42\"%'orderby RAND() limit 12
select `shops`.*, (selectcount(*) from `products` where (`shops`.`seller_id` = `products`.`user_id` and (`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and (`added_by` ='seller'and `status` =1and `request_status` =1)) as `products_count` from `shops` whereexists (select*from `sellers` where `shops`.`seller_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved'))
select `sellers`.*, (selectcount(*) from `orders` where `sellers`.`id` = `orders`.`seller_id`) as `orders_count` from `sellers` where `sellers`.`id` in (1)
select*from `products` where ((`added_by` ='seller') and `products`.`user_id` in (1) and (`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical')
select `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `reviews` where `products`.`id` = `reviews`.`product_id` and `status` =1) as `reviews_count` from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and (`added_by` ='admin')
select `products`.*, (selectcount(*) from `order_details` where `products`.`id` = `order_details`.`product_id`) as `order_details_count` from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `featured` =1orderby `order_details_count` desc limit 12
select*from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') orderby `id` desc limit 8
select `product_id`, COUNT(product_id) as count from `order_details` whereexists (select*from `products` where (`order_details`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` and (`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `status` =1) groupby `product_id` orderby `count` desc limit 6
select `product_id`, AVG(rating) as count from `reviews` whereexists (select*from `products` where (`reviews`.`product_id` = `products`.`id` and (`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical')) and `status` =1groupby `product_id` orderby `count` desc limit 6
select*from `translations` where `translations`.`translationable_id` in (5) and `translations`.`translationable_type` ='App\Models\DealOfTheDay'and `locale` ='qa'
select*from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') orderby RAND() limit 1
select*from `translations` where `translations`.`translationable_id` in (691) and `translations`.`translationable_type` ='App\Models\Product'and `locale` ='qa'
select*from `translations` where `translations`.`translationable_id` in (13) and `translations`.`translationable_type` ='App\Models\Product'and `locale` ='qa'
select `brands`.*, (selectcount(*) from `products` where `brands`.`id` = `products`.`brand_id` and ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical')) as `brand_products_count` from `brands` where `status` =1orderby `created_at` desc
selectcount(*) as aggregate from `products` where ((`added_by` ='admin') andexists (select*from `brands` where `products`.`brand_id` = `brands`.`id` and (`status` =1)) and (`status` =1) and (`request_status` =1) or (`brand_id` isnulland `status` =1)) and (exists (select*from `sellers` where `products`.`user_id` = `sellers`.`id` and (`status` ='approved')) or ((`added_by` ='admin'and `status` =1))) and `product_type` in ('physical') and `discount` !=0